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Triskelion Power

Our Power department includes the division of Nuclear, Oil and Gas, Wind, and Solar. Here we understand the importance of power generation on day-to-day operations. Under this department we provide the following services:


  • Equipment Seismic Qualification (ESQ) and seismic analysis.

    • Safety Related Tanks, Heat Exchangers, Degasifier Columns, Motor Control Centers (MCCs), Electrical Panels, Air Handling Units, Air Tanks, Battery Racks, Local Panels, Pumps, and other equipment/components.

  • Seismic equipment mounting loading evaluations.

  • Seismic Assessment.

  • Component failure analysis.

  • Seismic structural calculations and evaluations using applicable codes and standards.

  • Pipe and conduit support design and structural analysis.

  • Perform advanced Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of structures, system, and components (SSCs) for normal operation and accident conditions.

    • Modal, static, dynamic, local buckling, and thermal analysis.

    • Depending on the complexity of the SSC, the dynamic seismic analysis can be performed by the Equivalent Static Load Method, the Response Spectra method, or the Time History method of analysis.

    • Dynamic analysis of structures for tornado missiles protection.

  • Fukushima response seismic reevaluation of structure, system, and components.

Transportation Engineering Department

Our Transportation Engineering Department is focused on making the transportation system to the public safe, rapid, and reliable (SRR). The services included making this vision a reality are shown below.


  • Planning and design of highways and roads.

  • Traffic analysis.

  • Mass Transit Systems.

    • Determining horizontal and vertical alignment design.

    • Station location and design.

    • Construction cost estimating.

  • Airport Improvements.

  • Port expansion engineering support for increased port traffic.

  • Engineerng and design of railways.

  • Bridge design and construction.

  • Traffic management.

  • Maintenance of Traffic (MOT).

  • Urban planning.

  • Public transportation evaluation.

  • Traffic signalization design.

  • Tolling design.

  • Intelligent Transportation Systems.

Structural Engineering Department

Here at Triskelion Engineering we strive to find ways to make the architect’s vision a reality when other engineers say it is impossible. We provide the following services under the Structural Engineering department:


  • Building design.

    • Structural

    • Mechanical

    • Electrical

    • Plumbing

  • Bridge design, construction, and inspections.

  • Retaining wall design and analysis. 

  • Dam evaluation and design.

  • Arts and recreational including statues, sculptures, parks and recreation.

  • Medical device Finite Element Analysis (FEA).

  • Mechanical Parts (FEA).

  • Commercial, Residential, and Industrial Structures.

  • Structural evaluation of machinery, equipment, and components.

Telecommunications Department

Triskelion Engineering Telecommunications Department strives for a strong network with the telecommunications companies. Our goal is to surpass expectations, for the work to be performed. Our services to the telecommunications market include:


  • Oversight of work to be performed in the specific market, which would include day-to-day work activities, priorities, budgets, and schedules.

  • Provide technical expertise and guidance at the market level to all local architectural. engineering subcontractors

  • Coordination, organization, managing, and controlling engineering work at the market level.

  • Review and approve engineering work to be performed by local architecture engineering subcontractors to ensure design is in accordance with project design standards and local requirements.

  • Coordinate all zoning drawings and construction drawings with site and construction.

  • Manage all documentation that will be used as design inputs for existing that will be used as design inputs for existing sites (i.e. surveys, site construction drawings, site candidate information packages, site as built surveys, existing building or tower structural drawings and calculations, soil reports, etc.).

  • Complete material requisition as required.

Management Services Department

Our management department main objective is to accomplish goals towards the vision of the project. Every effort is made to make the project a reality while keeping in mind safety, cost, and schedule (SCS).


  • Infrastructure planning.

  • Construction management of projects including roadway, buildings, airports, tunnels, dams, bridges, and water management systems.

  • Construction cost management and cost estimates.

  • Monitor and evaluation of work at the job sites.

  • City engineers representative inspecting projects to make sure that they are complying with regulations.



Saluting soldier
USS Tarawa - Flag Ship
USS Tarawa LHA-1
Flight Operations
USS Tarawa LHA-1
Professionals walking in hallway
Veteran Own Small Business

Triskelion Engineering is a Certified Veteran Own Small Business (VOSB) and a respected trustworthy company. Established in 2016 with the goal to provide exceptional work to its clients with great communications, loyalty, and transparency throughout the entire process. We, at Triskelion Engineering, strive to grow and become one of the largest engineering construction companies in the world. Here, with a humble mentality, we provide state of the art, reliable, and trustworthy engineering services. Watch us work and tackle small, medium, big, and mega projects using our technical expertise and state of the art analytical software. Our Principal Engineer, Ricardo (Ric) Medina, is an Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran who served on the USS Tarawa LHA-1 amphibious assault ship. He has worked side by side with some of the best engineers in the industry working in different major engineering and construction companies throughout the United States.


Ric Medina started his career at the FP&L Turkey Point Nuclear Plant in Homestead, Florida and then moved on to other nuclear engineering construction projects like the TVA Watts Bar Unit 2 Construction Completion Project, Mixed Oxide (MOX) Fuel Fabrication Facility at DOE’s Savannah River Site, TVA Bellefonte Nuclear Plant Construction Completion Project, Fukushima Response at Duke Energy’s Robinson Nuclear Plant, and the Westinghouse AP1000 Nuclear Plants. For more information about the aforementioned assignments, please see the projects section below. Ric Medina received his bachelor’s and master’s degree in civil structural engineering with an emphasis in bridge design from Florida International University in Miami. He also obtained a Specialist’s Degree in Numerical Simulation in Engineering with ANSYS from the Technical University of Madrid, Spain. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Florida.





Mailing Address

For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please call: 305-318-1128 or fill out the following form

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199 East Flagler Street #371

Miami, FL 33131

Tel: 305-318-1128​


To apply for a job with Triskelion Engineering, please send your C.V. to:

Voice: 305-318-1128

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